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Controlling The Basics

This page is mostly to help people understand that if we just control the things the are the most fundamental/basic, then we can build upon that foundation and become better as a whole. If we were to start running right out of the womb, we would lack the basic fundamentals of crawling, standing, and walking. I believe this is true within all aspects of life. When we are in school, we learn the basic fundamentals of math, science, history, and art/literature. We have to learn the bare essentials before we can become creative and think outside the box.

If we do not understand why something works, we will not be able to be innovative and try to make it better or more dynamic. If we did not know how science worked, then we would be aimlessly trying to treat patients with drugs that we know nothing about and if it worked, it worked.

This mindset goes into our emotional and physical relationships as well. If we do not know who we are from a basic emotional level, then how can we give someone else love or compassion? How can we give someone advice if we have never had those life experiences? I especially believe switching to this mindset will also help people with anxiety and depression. When you start to think about all the things you have to do today and where you are going to be in 5, 10, 15 years, we start to think to big and outlandish that we scare ourselves into thinking that we have to be super rich and happy like celebrities or billionaires. But if we know who we are and what we want to do with our lives, we can control our expectations and not have to stress about the future and focus on how doing things now will help later on.

We as a culture tend to look to the TV for our future and what success is, but I think that success is something that is only true to you. Success to me means that you leave this life the way you wanted, on your terms, and with no regrets. So for some people that may mean that you made X amount of money, or owned a bunch of business, or that you have so many relationships. Whatever it may be, that is up to YOU, not anyone else. So if we, as a culture, start thinking about just controlling what we can control, then I believe we will make better decisions, live more fulfilled lives, and become better humans as a whole.

Please share and start controlling the basics. Start learning about yourself before you start to help others. Meditate, float therapy, exercise, talk to a loved one, talk to a stranger, listen to music, or anything that helps you find yourself. Everyone is different and will have different ways of finding themselves, its just about doing it.

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